Monday, August 15, 2011

Can you make a story using at least 10 of these words? Best answer gets 10 pints!?

Tina wanted to earn her allowance for the week, but her mother was not patient when it came to Tina's defiance. With some guidance, her mother thought, and a positive influence, Tina could earn her allowance by going the distance and doing her chores. Tina was disobedient, you see, and though she knew that doing her chores was an experience in life that she could learn from, she felt that her mother was more concerned with convenience rather than teaching Tina about independence. Although she knew she had the endurance to complete the chores and earn her allowance, Tina's ignorance about the fact that her mother truly needed help kept her from going the distance. Her mother introduced Tina to an acquaintance who gave her the confidence to help around the house and opened her eyes to the fact that her reluctance was causing her mother pain. Due to this influence, Tina began doing her chores, which helped her earn her allowance and she also gained independence!

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